







   李斌,博士,研究员,中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所-润滑材料全国重点实验室,副主任。国家级海外人才项目获得者,现主要从事生物润滑材料研究。2009年毕业于兰州大学化学化工学院,专业化学。20157月于中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所获得理学博士学位(硕博连读),导师周峰研究员,专业物理化学 201511月受德国洪堡基金会(alexander von humboldt foundation)资助赴德国莱布尼兹新材料所(inm)做访问学者及博士后研究,合作导师为ar nzazu del campo教授,主要从事细胞生物材料相互作用的研究。20194月年赴德国慕尼黑工业大学tum,主要从事生物蛋白单分子力学的研究,合作导师为matthias rief教授。就读博士期间分别获得国家奖学金,中国科学院-澳大利亚(ucas-bhp billiton scholarship)奖学金,中国科学院院长优秀奖等。




 co-first authors;    * corresponding author

1. rui wang, qiangbing wei, wenbo sheng*, bo yu, feng zhou, bin li*, driving polymer brushes from synthesis to functioning,

2. bin li*, arzu ?olak, johanna blass, mitchell han, jingnan zhang, yijun zheng, qiyang jiang, roland bennewitz*, ar nzazu del campo*, molecular stiffness cues of an interpenetrating network hydrogel for cell adhesion,

3. wei li, wenbo sheng*, bin li*, rainer jordan*, surface grafting “band-aid” for “everyone”: filter paper-assisted surface-initiated polymerization in the presence of air,

4. wenbo sheng, wei li, bo yu, bin li*, rainer jordan, xin jia, feng zhou*, mussel-inspired two-dimensional freestanding alkyl-polydopamine janus nanosheets,angew. chem. int. ed.

5. bin li*, michael kappl, lu han, jiaxi cui, feng zhou, ar nzazu del campo, goosebumps-inspired microgel patterns with switchable adhesion and friction, 1902376. ()

6. yoo jin oh*, essak s khan, ar nzazu del campo, peter hinterdorfer, bin li*, nanoscale characteristics and antimicrobial properties of (si-atrp)-seeded polymer brush surfaces,  ()

7. arzu colak, bin li, johanna blass, kaloian koynov, ar nzazu del campo, roland bennewitz, the mechanics of single cross-links which mediate cell attachment at a hydrogel surface, nanoscale, 2019,11, 11596–11604.

8. bin li, bo yu, qian ye, feng zhou, tapping the potential of polymer brushes through synthesis,

9. bin li, tao du, bo yu, jasper van der gucht, feng zhou, caterpillar-inspired design and fabrication of a self-walking actuator with anisotropy, gradient and instant response, small, 2015,11(28), 3494–3501. (highlighted by:  ; science foundation in china, 2015, 23, 39.)

10. wenbo sheng, bin li, xiaolong wang, bin dai, bo yu, xin jia, feng zhou, brushing up from “anywhere” under sunlight: a universal surface-initiated polymerization from polydopamine-coated surfaces, chem. sci., 2015,6, 2068–2073.

11. bin li, bo yu, wilhelm t. s. huck, weimin liu, and feng zhou, electrochemically mediated atom transfer radical polymerization on nonconducting substrates: controlled brush growth through catalyst diffusion,  (, 2013, 21(1), 54.)

12. bin li, bo yu, wilhelm t. s. huck, feng zhou, weimin liu, electrochemically induced surface-initiated atom-transfer radical polymerization,   ()

13. yijun zheng, mitchell kim liong han, qiyang jiang, bin li, jun feng, ar nzazu del campo, 4d hydrogel for dynamic cell culture with orthogonal, wavelength-dependent mechanical and biochemical cues, materials horizons, 2020,7, 111–116.

14. tao du, bin li, xiaolong wang, bo yu, xiaowei pei, wilhelm t. s. huck, feng zhou,bio-inspired renewable surface-initiated polymerization from permanently embedded initiators,

15. junfeng yan, bin li, bo yu, wilhelm t. s. huck, weimin liu, feng zhou, controlled polymer-brush growth from microliter volumes using sacrificial-anode atom-transfer radical polymerization,  ()
