2001.9-2005.7 郑州大学化学系基地班,理学学士学位,导师:杜晨霞教授
2005.9-2010.7 中科院上海有机化学研究所,理学博士学位
导师:丁奎岭研究员,christian a. sandoval副研究员
2010.7-2011.2 中科院上海有机化学研究所,助理研究员
2011.2-2015.2 德国莱布尼茨催化研究所(likat),博士后
方向:选择性催化及co2利用;合作者:matthias beller教授
2014.10-2014.12 瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院,博士后
方向:基于co2的化学电池研究;合作者:gabor laurenczy教授
2015.2-2015.12 德国莱布尼茨催化研究所(likat),junior group leader
方向:醛的转化研究;合作者:matthias beller教授
2016.1-至今 中科院兰州化学物理研究所,羰基合成与选择氧化国家重点实验室,研究员
2011 上海有机所-浙江医药联合博士后奖学金
2013 münster symposium on cooperative effects in chemistry墙报奖
2014 德国falling walls基金会 a. t. kearney scholarship
2013 欧洲有机反应会议esor,catalytic reduction of carbon dioxide and carbonates for organic synthesis 捷克 布拉格
2013 德国likat-casus joint workshop,catalytic reduction of carbon dioxide and carbonates for organic synthesis 德国 罗斯托克
2015 汉莎催化会议,selective catalysis via cooperative substrate activation 荷兰 格罗宁根
1. k. dong, x. fang, r. jackstell, g. laurenczy, y. li,* m. beller,* rh(i)-catalyzed hydroamidation of olefins via selective activation of n-h bonds in aliphatic amines, j. am. chem. soc. 2015, 137, 6053-6058.
2. y. li, c. topf, x. cui, k. junge, m. beller, lewis acid promoted ruthenium(ii)-catalyzed etherifications by selective hydrogenation of carboxylic acids/esters, angew. chem. int. ed. 2015, 54, 5196-5200. (“hot paper”)
3. y. li, i. sorribes, t. yan, k. junge, m. beller, selective methylation of amines with carbon dioxide and h2, angew. chem. int. ed. 2013, 52, 12156–12160 (“vip paper”, highlighted in "angew. chem.”).
4. y. li, t. yan, k. junge, m. beller, catalytic methylation of c-h bonds using co2 and h2, angew. chem. int. ed. 2014, 53, 10476–10480.
5. y. li, x. fang, k. junge, m. beller, a general catalytic methylation of amines using carbon dioxide, angew. chem. int. ed. 2013, 52, 9568-9571 (“hot paper”).
6. y. li, l-q. lu, s. das, s. pisiewicz, k. junge, m. beller, highly chemoselective metal-free reduction of phosphine oxides to phosphines, j. am. chem. soc. 2012, 134, 18325–18329.
7. y. li, y. zhou, q. shi, k. ding, r. noyori, c. a. sandoval, an efficient diphosphine/hybrid-amine combination for ruthenium(ii)-catalyzed asymmetric hydrogenation of aryl ketones, adv. synth. catal. 2011, 353, 495–500.
1. c. a. sandoval, 李跃辉, 中国专利, no. 200810038929 (已授权).
2. c. a. sandoval, 李跃辉, 中国专利, no. 200810040995 (已授权).
3. c. a. sandoval, y. li, pct/cn2009/072246.
4. c. a. sandoval, 李跃辉, 林庆鸿, 中国专利, no. 201010564332(已授权).